
VaporRemed: Help for the homeowners impacted with Superstorm Sandy

When a homeowner faces a heating oil spill it quickly comes to bear that the homeowner is all alone in the subsequent battle with the oil in the home. A frantic homeowner is calling environment agencies, the dep officials for some guidance on how to handle this beast. 

A decent environment consulting firm usually estimates the cleanup costs to be between $10,000 to $40,000 depending on the area of the home that will scrape between 3 - 6 inches of soil (as an aside, the appropriate depth should be 3' because oil does like to travel down) under the foundation...

VaporRemed House calls - 12/13/2012

We were at a couple of sites yesterday at Wantagh, NY and we would like to thank the homeowners for letting us in their homes. The visit helped us list some of the concerns raised by the homeowners during our visit:

Fuel oil fumes come back into the house

This usually indicates that not all the spots were treated during the initial application and the smell usually originates from the pockets that were not treated with VaporRemed. VaporRemed acts on the fumes upon contact within minutes. Subsequently, VaporRemed continuously consumes oil in the pores in concrete, wood or furniture over...

VaporRemed House calls - 12/12/2012

 We will be making house calls in Wantagh, NY today between 11:30 am -  5:00 pm to support our customers. Please call us at 609 638 3485 to coordinate with us if you would like us to drop in at your place. If you would like to purchase VaporRemed tomorrow, please order online and print the order for our reference. Please pay us by check or a credit card as we cannot handle cash transactions during support visits.

VaporRemed effective to remove oil trapped in cloth and furniture draperies

Here are some tips to users who need to wash their clothes/furniture drapes using VaporRemed:

  • Apply a mild spray over the affected area on the clothes or fabric and allow it to dry for 30 minutes or till the smell of oil is gone and then machine wash the clothes to remove the oil.
  • Apply a mist over the furniture draperies and dry till the smell is gone and then wash or dry clean the material. 

Cost effective removal of heating oil fumes in a basement impacted with Sandy in Sayreville, NJ

 We recently visited a home in Sayreville, NJ that had oil spilled over its property due to Super storm Sandy to remediate oil fumes in their property. The quotes that the homeowner received from cleanup companies was a bit shy of ten thousand dollars without any assurances of eliminating oil fumes. We applied about 5 gallons of VaporRemed to cleanup the oil spilled in the property.

Homeowner costs: $352 (including shipping and handling)