News — VaporRemed

Happy Holidays from VaporRemed: Fuel Oil Fumes Gone in Minutes

Happy Holidays from VaporRemed: Fuel Oil Fumes Gone in Minutes

Season’s Greetings from VaporRemed!


As the year comes to a close, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support. 

We look forward to building on this success in the coming year.

Down the Memory Lane 12: Review from a Canadian Customer: Just 1 Gallon of VaporRemed and the smell was gone.

The oil company overfilled the oil tank. It soaked into the concrete and was difficult to remove. The spill also caused a terrible smell as the vapors seeped into the the rooms adjacent and above the furnace room. we tried various cleaners and deodorants to no avail. I then bought a gallon of VaporRemed and sprayed on the spill according to the directions. Within an hour the odor of the oil spill disappeared. I sprayed down the spill every second day so that it would stay damp and allow the VaporRemed to keep on working on the spill....

Down The Memory Lane 20 Years Ago: Case Study 10

Down The Memory Lane 20 Years Ago: Case Study 10

Application of VaporRemed at a Residential Spill in Virginia

VDEQ Pollution Complaint No. PC 2003-3187 Corrective Plan

Laboratory analysis of soil samples showed high values of TPH/DRO showing an initial value of 18,800 and 8,300 ppm and the samples of soil analyzed after treatment with VaporRemed showed a value of 290 ppm and 210 ppm. Both these values are below the stipulated 500 ppm of TPH/DRO. After flushing with the product, the TPH in the drain water showed values below the detection levels. The project was recommended for closure as No Further Action was...

Down the Memory Lane: Case Study 9

Down the Memory Lane: Case Study 9

VaporRemed was used to treat more than 200 gallons of home heating oil spilled in a garage in Virginia. The environment company treated it with VaporRemed and measured the odor with a Photo Ionization Detection (PID) meter. Carbon dioxide levels were also determined simultaneously in the injection wells to determine the activity of the bacteria in VaporRemed.  It was seen that VaporRemed reduved the odor at the rate of at least 15% per everyday.

VaporRemed: Essential tool for Emergency Response

VaporRemed: Essential tool for Emergency Response

VaporRemed can be used as an emergency tool for any fuel releases. It has been shown during a accidental release of home heating oil during refueling as shown in the video attached.