News — VaporRemed

Down the Memory Lane: Case Study 9

Down the Memory Lane: Case Study 9

VaporRemed was used to treat more than 200 gallons of home heating oil spilled in a garage in Virginia. The environment company treated it with VaporRemed and measured the odor with a Photo Ionization Detection (PID) meter. Carbon dioxide levels were also determined simultaneously in the injection wells to determine the activity of the bacteria in VaporRemed.  It was seen that VaporRemed reduved the odor at the rate of at least 15% per everyday.

VaporRemed: Essential tool for Emergency Response

VaporRemed: Essential tool for Emergency Response

VaporRemed can be used as an emergency tool for any fuel releases. It has been shown during a accidental release of home heating oil during refueling as shown in the video attached.

How our Customers Breathe Easy with VaporRemed: The Natural Odor Eliminator

How our Customers Breathe Easy with VaporRemed: The Natural Odor Eliminator

VaporRemed eliminates fumes, but what it really does is help you breathe easy. When your oil delivery driver overfills the tank, or someone tips over a gas can, VaporRemed makes it easy to move on quickly and easily.

VaporRemed: Down the memory lane: Case Study 5.

VaporRemed: Down the memory lane: Case Study 5.

Mitigation of vapor intrusion after release of heating oil at a residence in Virginia using VaporRemed.

VaporRemed Down the memory lane: Case Study 4: Recovery of pets

VaporRemed Down the memory lane: Case Study 4: Recovery of pets

We recently converted our oil boiler to gas and the heating crew could not remove the half-full, 250-gallon oil tank until one week later. Hence, we had an open fuel oil tank (the pipes were removed) and strong oil fumes inside our home. As a result, our dog and cat became ill within a few hours. Upon receiving and spraying the VaporRemed, the fumes quickly disappeared and the animals recovered. After the fuel oil tank was removed, we sprayed a few final applications of VaporRemed and now, everyone in the household is breathing happily and without any adverse effects …...