Down the Memory Lane: Case Study 9

VaporRemed: A correlation between Carbon dioxide and PID values

The report describes studies on using VaporRemed after a release of almost 200 gallons of home heating oil at a garage in a residence in Virginia. The study correlates the Photo Ionization Detector values for the odor of the fuel oil with carbon dioxide values. VaporRemed is a bioremediation product containing live bacteria grown in an oleophilic suspension containing nutrients. The role of bacteria is determined by recording the carbon dioxide values during the breakdown of the hydrocarbons. It is observed that the values of carbon dioxide increased during the early stage of the application of VaporRemed and were significantly reduced at the time of closure. The reduction in odor of heating oil showed significant values after the treatment. It has been reported that as much as a 15% reduction per day was recorded during the study. The results are shown in the graph. The report is attached as a link below.  

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