This is about an incident that certainly is most uncommon and may be reported once in million cases. This unique situation happened on 22 October 2018 in Pennsylvania, USA, where an oil company was delivering fuel to home using a newly received hose and connectors. Everything seemed to be under control as usual and the crew was standing near the fueling point to shut down the nozzle and disconnect the hose once the tank is full. But that did not happen. The hose separated from the nozzle under pressure so suddenly that the person standing near the hose was sprayed with home heating oil. He rushed back to the tanker to shut the valve and prevent
further flow of the fuel. This was no ordinary release and can be regarded as a catastrophic event. There was oil everywhere, on the driveway, flower bed, walls and glasses of the house, grass on the lawn and standing trees including evergreen plants as seen in images below. VaporRemed saved the day for the oil company by mitigating the fuel oil odor and also remediating the soil and other imapcted areas.