VaporRemed Works !!! - Customer Testimonials


Tom and Linda, New Jersey

My husband also appreciates your assistance in the application of your product.  The loss of our home has been a devastating experience for our family but the kindness of others has sustained us through this trial.

Simon Dede, Independent Contractor, Nevada

The next day the product was used in our customer's home. Upon arrival the technicians sprayed down the oil stained garage floor and structural lumber and went to lunch. When they came back about 40 minutes later the odor was gone..... In closing I would say that I was very happy with the product we used and also with the service I received from Satya Ganti, he answered all my questions and promptly returned my phone calls. He even called me after the job was done to follow up.

Robert Aguilar, Long Island, NY

I had an oil burner fuel spill and the smell of No#2 fuel was all over my home, the oil company found the leak and repaired it, but the smell of oil fumes still I used the internet and found VaporRemed and ordered by phone within 24 hours it was at my doorstep...and within minutes it began to work the smell of oil fumes were beginning to go away and within 24 hours you could no longer smell that there was an oil spill problem, it really worked it didn't mask it. The product did what it said it could do. ...I would recommend this product to all the fuel oil companies here in Long Island. Its quick and safe and saved me a lot of money.

Roger Gundlach, Independent Contractor, OH

I was desperate for a solution. We had removed over 11 yds. of contaminated soil from beneath the home and the oil fumes remained. The environmental clean-up company I had hired did not have a solution. We applied VaporRemed to the excavation and within minutes the fumes began to dissipate. Soon the homeowners were back in their home and I could sleep peacefully again.

Marcel Haist, QC, Canada

Last year, The oil company over filled the oil tank. It soaked into the concrete and was difficult to remove. The spill also caused a terrible smell as the vapors seeped into the the rooms adjacent and above the furnace room. we tried various cleaners and deodorants to no avail. When I came across your product on a web site, I figured I would give it a try or it would cost me more money to dig out the concrete. I then bought a gallon of Vaporremed and sprayed on the spill according to the directions. within an hour the odor of the oil spill disappeared. I sprayed down the spill every second day so that it would stay damp and allow the Vaporremed to keep on working on the spill. After 10 days there was no smell left but the stain was still there. I believe that I will not have any problems with odor from now on.

Jim Mulgrew, Ontario, Canada

I used your product on the affected area( fuel oil spill in the basement) and I am happy to say there is now no trace of odour, This is an excellent product. I had nearly given up on this problem and was very fortunate in contacting your company. Many many thanks.

Denise, Maryland

We recently converted our oil boiler to gas and the heating crew could not remove the half-full, 250-gallon oil tank until one week later. Hence, we had an open fuel oil tank (the pipes were removed) and strong oil fumes inside our home. As a result, our dog and cat became ill within a few hours. Upon receiving and spraying the VaporRemed, the fumes quickly disappeared and the animals recovered. After the fuel oil tank was removed, we sprayed a few final applications of VaporRemed and now, everyone in the household is breathing happily and without any adverse effects ... thanks for creating such an amazing product!

Dan Barrett, Boston, MA

I am a homeowner who read about VaporRemed on the Internet and decided to take a chance on it. We'd removed an old oil tank from our basement, and the area (dirt floor) still smelled bad several months later. When the VaporRemed arrived, I poured it into a sprayer, put on goggles and a face ask for safety, and applied it to the affected area. Within 30 minutes the oil smell was gone! One month later, the smell has not returned. (VaporRemed did leave a slight, lingering aroma similar to baking soda, but it is not unpleasant.) The problem is completely solved. It is great to encounter a product that works EXACTLY as claimed.


Scott Miller, Purofirst, Milwaukee, WI

This winter we had many oil spills from 1 gallon to 5 gallons and we used your product.Successfully we did not have any call backs for odor and we successfully remediate the homes with your product.We did this without any traditional venting of fresh air.I would say your product has proved to be a valuable tool in the remediation of oil.

Tim Jackson, Leffler Energy, Mount Joy,PA

I have been working for Leffler Energy for about 24 years and have tried many products that promised to remove, cover up or eliminate oil odor. Your Product VaporRemed is the first one to live up to its promise in every way

Leo Flynn, Southbridge Tire Co., Southbridge, MA

Just thought I would drop a line to wish you well in the Gulf cleanup area. I know your excellent product will find many new fans there. We continue to use Vapor Remed any time there has been a mishap in a cellar. Oil leaks or spills get cleaned up and deodorized effortlessly.I just used it successfully when an oil leak ocurred inside a warm air furnace, and the odor was picked up and distributed through a suite of legal offices. Less than a pint of Vapor Remed sprayed inside the unit saved hours of dismantling the furnace and removing the parts for cleaning. The odor stopped within a half hour and has not returned in the four days siince. Thanks again.

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